
Your career at Labor LS

The success and entrepreneurial development of Labor LS is based on the performance and qualification of dedicated employees. Talent, passion and entrepreneurial thinking lead to high quality standards in the interest of our customers. We value our employees and their performance for our company and support the implementation of individual ideas. As an expression of this appreciation, we continuously promote the professional and personal development of our employees.

Chemielaborant*in, CTA, PTA oder Bachelor of Science (Chemie)

für die Abteilung Chemisch-physikalische Prüfungen (m/w/d)

Biologielaborant, BTA, PTA, MFA, MTA oder Bachelor of Science

für die Abteilung Prüfung auf Sterilität (m/w/d)



»Our employees represent our potential for success - their diligence and passion form the basis for meeting the highest quality standards in the laboratory. LS stands for excellently qualified and trained employees as well as secure and future-oriented jobs that offer a high degree of flexibility.«


»LS employees work tirelessly to give their best for patients who rely on the responsible work of our laboratory. We enable both young as well as professionally experienced employees to apply their knowledge and skills in a targeted manner. In our open and trusting corporate culture, nobody is merely a number in the system, but rather a part of the LS family.«

We look forward to you
being a part of our future success.

Labor LS is one of the fastest growing companies in the region.
We are therefore always on the lookout for qualified employees.

More than
More than
More than
Years as family-run business
% proportion of women
Average age in years