Classically in cleanroom and isolator
Cleanroom testing
Testing in a cleanroom (class A in B) requires extensive equipment. Labor LS conducts the tests in one of the most modern cleanroom testing facilities in Europe (commissioned first quarter 2017). Right from the start, planning of the plant was devoted to modern and lean processes, the benefit for our customers and capacities designed for growth. Owing to state-of-the-art cleanroom technology, numerous redundant systems from energy to nutrient media supply, optimised process steps in sample preparation and the introduction of samples and personnel, Labor LS can offer a high standard of testing and process reliability. This test environment also allows test samples with large volumes and preparations whose primary packaging materials are not H2O2-tight to be tested quickly and efficiently.
Isolator testing
If the primary packaging is suitable for fumigation with hydrogen peroxide, Labor LS offers the option of sterile testing in an aseptic working isolator. In addition to the testing capacities in the clean room, Labor LS also works with six aseptic working isolators, two of which are particularly suitable for testing toxic substances.